Our School » Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

Students are encouraged to walk to and from school when possible to decrease car traffic around the school.  Students are permitted to ride their bikes and scooters to school, but must wear a helmet and walk the bike or scooter once leaving Carson Lane.
Arrival Reminders
Kinder families are to walk their child to the kindergarten classroom in the morning.  1st-5th graders may be dropped off outside the gates or may come onto campus until your child is in class. Older siblings are encouraged to walk younger siblings to their classrooms in the morning. 
8:00 a.m. - Gates open. 
  • Kindergarten students report to their classroom
  • 1st-5th graders drop off backpacks, etc. in front of the classroom and report to the main playground
8:08 a.m. - Warning Bell Rings, students line-up for teacher pick-up
8:10 a.m. - Tardy Bell Rings-School Day Begins
Closed Campus
We have a closed campus during the instructional day.  Once the school day begins, parents and visitors are expected to exit the campus unless they are signed in for official school business on site.  Visitors and volunteers must report to the office during school hours to sign in.  If you have items to drop-off during the school day or need to make contact with your child, report to the school office.  Thank you for supporting the safety of our students and staff during the school day.
Departure/Pick Up
All students will be picked up outside the school gates.  Please make a family plan for where students will meet up or get picked up via car. Please pick up students within 15 minutes of the end of the school day.