Our School » Visitor & Volunteer Policy

Visitor & Volunteer Policy


Visitors on Campus



NOTE: A visitor is a person who is not a CVUSD student or staff member.

In order to ensure the safety of our students and staff, and to prevent undue interruption of instruction, all visitors coming to the campus for observations must follow the procedures below:

Classroom Observations:

  • Approval of a site administrator or designee must be obtained a minimum of 24 hours before observing a class.  Teachers will also get prior notice.
  • All visitors must check-in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge before proceeding to the classroom. Non-school employee visitors will be accompanied by a district/site employee.
  • Observations are limited to no more than 30 minutes.
  • Frequency of observations will be reasonable so as not to disrupt the classroom instruction.  Standard is one visit within a week.  Exceptions may be made at the principal’s discretion.


While in the Classroom:

  • The observation is not to be used as an opportunity to conference with the teacher.  If the visitor desires discussion with the teacher on the day of the observation, a conference appointment must be prearranged with the teacher before the observation date.
  • Observe quietly…avoid talking to students, teacher, and/or other staff during the observation. Interact with the students only if the teacher has agreed to such contact before the observation.
  • Students’ rights to confidentiality must be observed.
  • Do not move about the classroom, as this is distracting to the students and teacher.
  • If observation becomes a disruption to the classroom instruction, the visitor will be asked to leave.  Visitation rights may be limited if the observation becomes a disruption to the students and/or teachers.
Recording Devices

No electronic audio or video recording device (including a camera) may be used by visitors in a classroom without the teacher's and principal's permission.



  • Must be cleared through our school office following all CVUSD policies including completion of Megan's Law clearance. and Volunteer Agreement.
  • Volunteer opportunities are available through the school staff and the Jensen Ranch PTA.
  • Jensen families may contact the classroom teacher to inquire about providing help within the classroom when needed. Classroom teachers will determine if help from a volunteer is needed and will then personally contact the potential volunteer to set up a date and time for volunteering.
  • Volunteers that are cleared for service must check-in and out of the office during each visit, sign-in on the visitor log, receive a visitor's badge, and then proceed to the volunteer location on campus.
  • All volunteers MUST wear their ID badges at all times while on campus. By following this procedure, it allows the school to consistently monitor who is permitted on campus which adheres to our safety policy in the event of an emergency. It also prevents unnecessary classroom interruptions.


Denial of Access to Campus

  1. The principal or designee may refuse to register a visitor or may revoke the visitation of any visitor if the principal reasonably concludes that the visitor's presence or acts would disrupt the school, students, or employees, would result in damage to property, would interfere with classes or other school activities or otherwise disrupts the educational process, or impacts school safety.
  2. The principal or designee may request that a visitor who has failed to register or whose visitation privileges have been denied or revoked promptly leave school grounds

Thank you for following our visitation procedures to keep our focus on student learning.