Hello Jensen Ranch Families,

We look forward to having volunteers on our campus this school year.  There will be opportunities to volunteer in classrooms, in the office, on field trips, and for special school and PTA events and activities.  You will learn more about classroom opportunities at Back to School Night and through our Jensen Ranch PTA.
  • Classroom teachers and school staff will notify you of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.  
  • Classroom teachers are not required to have volunteers and may determine the number of volunteers they have; the volunteer times that meet the needs of the classroom; and may end volunteer opportunities if necessary.
  • Volunteers must agree to the Confidentiality Agreement and understand that being a volunteer is to be of service to the school or PTA program and not a means to observe your child in school.
  • All volunteers must comply with CVUSD Covid-19 safety protocols and ALL VOLUNTEERS must submit the volunteer forms no less than 48 school hours prior to the desired date to begin volunteering and MUST be CLEARED by the school, prior to volunteering.
  • ALL VOLUNTEERS must be fully vaccinated (2 doses of vaccine) for a minimum of 2 weeks. 
  • Once volunteers are cleared by the office, you will receive an email.  Our Jensen Ranch staff, PTA Board, and PTA Committee Chairs will have access to the cleared volunteer list.
  • Volunteer Clearance is done separately at each school site.  This clearance is only for Jensen Ranch and will be valid through September 30, 2023.
Click below to download and complete the volunteer forms and submit them directly to the school office:
You will also submit proof of a completed COVID vaccination cycle or a negative COVID test per the direction on the CVUSD Volunteer Agreement.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. MacLean.
**Volunteer Applications will generally be processed within 48 school hours**
An additional insurance clearance will be required if you are going to drive
for a school-related event and transport students.