Jensen Ranch Elementary School Home

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Happy Kwanzaa

Veterans Day Mural

Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda

Pumpkin Patch

Using Scooters

Lunar New Year Celebration

Day of the Dead Activity Table

Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Flag Assembly

Dia de los Muertos Ofrenda
Kindness Challenge Fall 2019

Virtual Reality

Reciprocal Teaching to Support Reading

JAM-Jensen Arts Masters

Students playing the drums together
Everyone is welcome!
students on computers
jensen ranch
News & Announcements

Engage with Us: Your Input Matters in our LCAP ThoughtExchanges 🌟
As part of CVUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 1 which states: "Ensure that ALL students graduate “college and career ready” through the full implementation of the New California Standards for Literacy and Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards". With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important as we move forward together.

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